Overview of the objectives
The overall goal of this project is to enable the traceability and characterisation of HDR imaging luminance systems, and to support the standardisation of luminance distribution measurement methods, which are required for glare, light pollution, and other lighting assessments. This will involve developing HDR luminance standards required for the characterisation of HDR imaging measurement systems and developing metrics and guidelines for the determination of the associated uncertainties.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- To develop luminance reference standards (i.e. sources) with high dynamic contrast pattern (covering at least 6 orders of magnitude) in order to characterise the dynamic range and spectral mismatch for different types of commercial instruments that are available for luminance distribution measurements (e.g., ILMD, RGB matrix sensor cameras). This should be based on the recommendations stated in CIE 232:2019 and CIE 244:2021 and allow the reliable assessment of glare and obtrusive light. WP1
- To model and verify HDR luminance measurements (including non-linearity, internal stray-light, and lens flare), with the objective of reproducibly determining the input data required for the models (average luminance, luminous surfaces, if required contrasts in the glare source, peripheral angle). To define the requirements for traceable instrumentation and to demonstrate the inter-comparability of HDR luminance measurements (in general and between different camera technologies), including the effect of its uncertainty on glare assessment. WP2, WP3
- To develop an algorithm) for (i) generating an HDR-luminance image from a sequence of multiple raw images and (ii) enabling traceability of relative images scaled to one or a few traceable spot measurements of the scene. WP2
- To develop guidance on the determination of uncertainty budgets for HDR luminance imaging measurements of single pixels and integral values (e.g. evaluation region, illuminance) as well as glare evaluation, according to existing standards EN 17037:2019 [2], EN 13201-2:2015 [3] and EN 12464‑1:2011 [4]. This should include a report on the relevance of existing quality indices and test methods regarding HDR imaging luminance systems. WP1, WP3
- To contribute to the standards development work of CIE TC 2-86, CIE TC 2-95, CIE TC 3-57, CIE TC 4‑58, TC 8-18, CEN TC 169, and the resumption and continuation of the work of CIE TC 2‑59 and CIE TC 4-33 (both inactive), to ensure that the outputs of the project are aligned with their needs, communicated quickly to those developing the standards and to those who will use them (e.g. manufacturers of RGB sensors and cameras), and in a form that can be incorporated into the standards at the earliest opportunity.